Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Indoor vs. Outdoor Soccer

Indoor soccer can offer so much to a player that outdoor soccer cannot. Indoor soccer requires a completely different style of play. Adding the skills needed to play indoor soccer to your own repertoire can take you to the next level. Some of the best players in the world have played different variations of indoor soccer. This includes “futsal”, a game that uses many of the same skills as indoor soccer. It has allowed these players to play a faster game as well as improve their shot when shooting on a smaller target. The benefits are endless.

Do you agree that indoor soccer can take your game to the next level?


  1. That is really interesting I had no idea there was a difference between outdoor soccer and Indor soccer. What are some other indor soccer benifits are there?

  2. Indoor soccer is a much faster paced game than outdoor, therefore, it allows players to improve the speed at which they play. There are also fewer players on the field which means each player gets to touch the ball more. The field is also smaller so you learn to play all different positions rather than just the area to which you are assigned like in outdoor soccer.

  3. I quit soccer when I fell on my ass. I went after a ball and tired to kick it but missed. i do not want to embarass my self. But I wondered if anyone else at your facility had this problem. Also I heard that indorr soccer was more slippery than outdoor>

  4. i think if you have to learn how to handle the ball on a smaller field and shoot on a smaller goal, ot would do good things for anybody's game

  5. I have played both indoor and outdoor lacrosse, and indoor is much like you are saying with the smaller field and less room. It helped my game tremendously playing in that tighter space. I definately know what you are talking about.

  6. Many indoor soccer arenas, like Gol Indoor Soccer Center, have something to offer to players at every level. For those who are just beginning or have little experience with the indoor game, there are clinics that help players grow accustomed to the style of play. That is one of the best features of the game: it can be played recreationally and competitively.
    The field that is used in indoor soccer is much different than outdoor. The grass is of course not real and it is very short. For this reason the ball moves much quicker and it can be much more challenging.

  7. Indoor football is great for skills improvement. A lot of outstanding technical players, in particualr from south America formed their skills in futsal. It is a joy to watch in the fast pace.
    That said, outdoor is more complete, as it requires both technical skills, much more physically (giving space for more types of players) and thus is also much more tactically challenging, like a game of chess.
    Thus, while I enjoy watching indoor very much to see the technical skills, I think that because of the above, outdoor is much more fascinating!

  8. I agree that outdoor is a more complete game whereas indoor has its own benefits.
